Scholars must stay in their car until 8:40 or when adults are present.
Morning car rider end at 9:08.
Parents must pull all the way down following the staff's direction.
Guardians must stay in their vehicle at all times. Staff assists students in the K/1 line when needed.
For safety, children MUST exit out of the passenger side.
Staff members are not allowed to buckle or unbuckle students.
Our children count on you to set a good example and follow traffic directions and speed limits. Please drive safely on school grounds.
Afternoon Car Riders
Guardians must stay in their vehicle at all times. Staff assists students as needed.
Children must enter on the passenger side of the vehicle.
Pickup time begins at 3:40.
Our last number is taken at 3:55.
2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students with younger sibling(s) should be dropped off and picked up at the K/1 line.
Kindergarten/1st Grade Car Rider Line
Our K/1 car rider line enters the school property off of Parkview Drive.
Families follow the traffic pattern through the side parking lot, around the panther in the front of the school, and to the silver awnings on the side of the building.
Guardians must pull all the way down. Do not stop next to your child as they will walk down to your car.
2nd-5th Grade Car Rider Line
Our 2-5 car rider line enters the school property off of Belle Terre towards our cafeteria.
There will be 4 different lanes for staging.
Once your scholar enters your vehicle, please wait for a staff member to direct you where to go.
When exiting, if you are headed south on Belle Terre, exit through the left lane. If you are headed north on Belle Terre, exit through the right lane.